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Dear Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee,
Our daughter uses a lot of abbreviations when on the computer with her friends. Is this anything to worry about, or just a kid thing?
Silly slang
Dear Silly slang,
Some slang could be harmless, but just in case, below are the some online abbreviations, acronyms, or slang provided by
25 Internet Slang Terms All Parents Should Know (
ASL(RP) Age Sex Location (Race /
BF/GF Boyfriend / Girlfriend
BRB Be Right Back
CD9 Code 9 parents are around
GNOC Get Naked on Cam
GTG Got to Go
IDK I don't know
LMIRL Let's meet in real life
LOL Laugh Out Loud
MorF Male or Female
MOS Mom Over Shoulder
NIFOC Naked in Front of Computer
Noob Newbie - often an insult
NMU Not much, you?
P911 Parent Emergency
PAW Parents are Watching
PIR Parent In Room
POS Parent Over Shoulder
PRW Parents Are Watching
S2R Send To Receive (pictures)
TDTM Talk Dirty To Me
Warez Pirated Software
W/E Whatever
WTF What the F***?