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Dear Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee,
My mother's wedding gown is yellowed and a little stained, so we were thinking of turning it into something that her grandchildren could use during their own weddings, maybe a handkerchief or something of that sort. Do you do anything like that or do you know someone that would?
Please let me know
Dear Please let me know,
Recycling your mother's wedding gown into items for the grandchildren is a lovely idea. A handkerchief should be easy to sew, or you could look for a seamstress or tailor in your area to help you.
If the wedding gown is not going to be handed down to other members of the family, below are a few ideas for recycling the wedding gown material and lace. Think of the dress as yards of fabric, and the ideas will be endless.
Ideas for Recycling Old Wedding Gown
1. Bowties or neckties
2. Christening gown or communion dress or veil
3. Doll dresses
4. Donate the dress to your favorite charity
5. Flower girl basket
6. Hair ribbons, headband, bows
7. Hanky edged with lace for females; pocket handkerchief for males
8. Keepsake box
9. Photo album cover
10. Purse or small handbag
11. Ring bearer pillow
12. Sachets
13. Tablecloth and napkins
14. Window covering or valence
15. Wrap or shawl